High-Quality Content

As it has become quite common to say in the marketing world that major the secret in making a marketing campaign successful is all about creating quality content. We mostly categorize the content of high quality if it helps us meet our marketing objectives. The more benefits we get out of high-quality content, the more we dub the content as of high quality. 

Everyone knows that Google is using machine learning as part of its RankBrain algorithm. All machine learning systems are rewarding the businesses or marketing firms creating high-quality content. Google is becoming quite particular about the content that is related to two different search landscapes: Your Money or Your Life (YMYL); and Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (E-A-T).

What Are Major Factors of High-Quality Content?

Different factors play a critical role in converting a piece of information into highly engaging and informative quality content. Some of those factors include:

  • Accuracy, Expertise & Trustworthiness
  • Mobile-Friendly
  • Answers Questions Format
  • Informative & Educational
  • Original, Not Duplicate
  • Shareable on Social Media Channels
  • Solving Problems
  • Inspiring & Motivational
  • Readable 
  • Visual Appeal
  • Entertaining Quailty

What Are the Advantages of Creating High-Quality Content?

There are several marketing advantages for creating highly engaging content. High-quality content helps increase click-through rate (CTR) and Return on Investment (ROI), gets more shares on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter etc., adds value to the landing pages, creates a buzz about your brand, and moves the web pages up in search engine ranking. 

How Does Google Notice High-Quality Content?

The question is why you need high-quality content. The simple answer is Google rewards those publishers who publish unique and original content on their web pages. If you create original and unique content for your website, search engines will help your site get more exposure and better ranking. Google has already cleared this point that the crawlers look for fresh, unique, and original content on webpages and penalize the websites with duplicate content. Original and high-quality content always improves your site’s rankings.