Five Tools for Auditing Website Content

Website content plays a critical role in generating leads, establishing brand authority, increasing Return on Investment (RoI), and gaining grounds as a trustworthy business in any industry. Content audit demands knowledge and expertise of a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expert; however, there are multiple website content audit tools available in the market that can enhance the power of an SEO expert besides making the content audit process easy and affordable.

There is no doubt that the process of auditing content all starts with auditing and evaluating your content. Different SEO experts categorize content in different ways. The website content can be divided into different categories depending on its significance for the business. There are many tools that the SEO experts use to audit the website content for their clients; however, the followinh fives tools provide the best outcome of the efforts we put into auditing the website content:

 Google Search Console

Google has almost redesigned Google Search Console and introduced some new features playing a vital factor in auditing website content, search queries, technical errors, and mobile usability problems. Google Search Console provides useful information about many things, including broken links, speed, indexed web pages, HTML markup, schemas, site speed etc. You can easily find out website position in realtime, the number of impressions, queries, and clicks for a particular website in the SERP.

google search console


SEMrush is an all-inclusive software helping the SEO experts audit the website in all aspects: technical, SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content Analysis, and Content Ideas. Majority of SEO experts are relying on SEMrush to optimize the websites. SEMrush provides actionable intelligence data, including website organic traffic information, keywords volume, AdWords spend and Cost Per Click (CPC), technical audits, topic research, lead generation, and other SEO-related data. SEMrush offers comprehensive solutions for SEO, PPC, content, social media, and competitive research. You can easily analyze your website with the SEO audit tool and get reports that can help you make the website more accessible for search engine robots.



SEO Moz is a another comprehensive premium SEO software suite (with some free features) with several SEO functionalities in one web-based tool. Moz Pro is a premium paid SEO web application that helps you stay on top of your SEO game with the help of several tools that you can use to analyze your content, site structure, and other technical factors. Moz Pro can play a critical role in providing deep analytics and insights into the website issues to help you boost your search engine rankings. The main SEO functions that Moz Pro covers include: Rank tracking, keyword research, link profile analysis, site crawl, and On-page optimization.

seo moz dashboard

Screaming Frog

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a premium website crawler allowing the SEO experts to crawl the websites’ URLs to analyze different aspects of the websites that bring organic traffic at a large scale. When the crawler begins its job, it fetches all key elements that can be analyzed besides garnering actionable insight by auditing technical and onsite SEO for any given website. The SEO Spider is a highly powerful and robust website crawler with an ability to crawl both small and very large websites efficiently. SEO experts can easily analyze the on-page SEO results in real-time as it collects major onsite data from the website to allow you to make informed decisions.

screaming frog


DeepCrawl is a pioneer in enterprise cloud-based web-crawling technologies & solutions. By diagnosing & fixing technical and performance issues, our best in class SEO tool is able to assist in accelerating growth & profitability for our global client base. DeepCrawl’s cloud-based website crawler enables marketers to make websites accessible, relevant and effective.
